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The Strategic Targets below are being individually matched to the specific Sustainable Development Goals (numbered) applying to them. The relevant indicators to be measured per target are listed under each Target.

  • To increase tourism volumes to optimised sustainable levels in line with this Strategy’s Vision and Mission. Links with SDG 3, 8, 9, 12, 17. To be measured by Tourist Satisfaction, Population Well-being and Industry Profitability Indicators.

  • To increase overnights through a healthy mix of short and longer stays depending on purpose of visit, season of travel, market profile and possibilities arising from connectivity. Links with SDG 3, 8, 9, 11, 17. To be measured by Seasonality, Motivational and Geographic Segmentation Indicators.

  • To aim for higher tourist expenditure increases on those elements of the trip consumed in Malta. Links with SDG 1, 8, 9, 11, 12. To be measured by expenditure during Stay by Category Indicator.

  • To continue to expand the geographical sources of Maltese tourism in line with maximization of airline connectivity, the seasonal characteristics of the different markets, the best matching of demand and supply and a diversification principle based on spreading source market risk. To ensure that all companies and communities respect environmental protection goals in their operations. Links with SDG 9, 11, 17. To be measured by Geographical Shares, Airline Load factors and Supplier Mix of Airlines and Tour Operators Indicators.

  • To ensure the delivery of a quality accommodation experience based on a healthy mix of collective and private accommodation supply which maximises expenditure prospects based on labour-intensity, and service delivery based on a defined accommodation sector run and manned by hospitality professionals and to ensure that Tourism Legislation recognises evolving needs. Links with SDG 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 17. To be measured by Occupancy Rates and Rating of Accommodation Indicators.

  • To achieve the relevant growth rates and shorter average lengths of stay through the further expansion of Malta’s off-peak tourism potential by aiming for stronger off-peak growth in comparison to peak season growth. This will necessitate the further strengthening of Malta’s cultural and events offer to ensure that the destination’s versatility in terms of diverse offer to different categories and interests of tourists continues to be tapped to maximum effect. Links with SDG 8, 9, 11, 12, 17. To be measured by Rating of Cultural Offer and Number of Events/Participants Indicators.

  • To aim for a higher than current repeat visitor ratio by 2030 in recognition of the destination’s evolution from one in which a single visit suffices to one whose strong brand loyalty generates a fair share of loyal repeaters. To ensure that pressures generated by increased visitor numbers do not weigh heavily on and degrade the natural environment by respecting the carrying capacities of different ecosystems. Links with SDG 11, 12. To be measured by Share of Repeat Visitors Indicator.

  • To increase the positive evaluation of the Malta holiday experience of tourists to Malta by addressing the major elements reducing positive evaluations by visiting tourists. Weed out market segments that have under-performed and support initiatives that cater for the needs of market segments that add-value to gain a competitive edge in the market-place. Links with SDG 9, 12, 17. To be measured by Rating of Overall Experience and Rating of Product Offer Indicators.

  • To ensure all companies and communities embrace the Climate Friendly Travel framework. Links with SDG 9, 11, 13, 17. To be measured by Measurement of Industry Components’ Carbon Footprint Indicator.

  • To increase the use of digitalisation technologies amongst tourists by offering pre-visit information and planning, enhanced holiday experience, and understanding the sentiment of Tourist post-visit. Links with SDG 9. To be measured by KPIs provided by specific Tourism Digitalisation Strategy.

  • To ensure that pressures generated by increased number of visitors do not weigh on the host community to an extent that manifests a negative sentiment towards tourism. Links with SDG 3, 11. To be measured by Host Population Perception of Tourism Indicator.

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