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The execution of the Tourism Strategy is ultimately dependent on the selected strategies. Strategies constitute the plan of action resulting from the Strategic Vision, Mission and Targets in response to the Strategic Challenges. The Malta Tourism Strategy will be delivered through the 22 Strategies listed below.

The afore-mentioned Strategic Targets shall be delivered through the following Strategies (sub-divided into themes), which shall also guide the preparation of more detailed and focused action plans as explained in points 21 and 22 below.

It is foreseen that each of the 22 Strategies shall lead to the preparation of more detailed and focused action plans.

Strategy 1. To maintain tourism’s share of the country’s GDP and to ensure that it continues to receive priority as a major pillar of economic development.

Strategy 2. To continue to position Gozo as a separate and distinct quality destination focusing on relaxation, wellness, gastronomy, active and rural tourism experiences in a lower volume setting and an insularity which is projected as a beneficial selling point rather than a deficiency. To do this in conjunction with the Gozo Regional Development Authority and the Gozitan tourism stakeholders.

Marketing & Segments
Strategy 3. To identify, measure and update the tourism market segments in which the Maltese Islands possess strongest competitive advantage and to focus attention on the continued strengthening and developments of these segments. Segmentation is a fluid process featuring a mix of established and emerging segments. 


Emerging & Developing Segments
Strategy 4. To explore the interrelationships emerging from the existence of other services sectors within the Maltese economy such as Health, Culture including Arts and Entertainment, Sport, Education, Financial Services, Film and Gaming to explore tourism potential opportunities arising from such interrelationships.

Strategy 5. To build on the recognition of the importance of the Domestic Market during the COVID-19 crisis by actively continuing to tap into it and treat it as a relevant tourism stream.

Strategy 6. To further tap into the Cruise Market to increase its economic value through a higher ratio of home porting to port-of-call business.

Brand Positioning
Strategy 7. To position the Maltese Islands as destinations of first choice in select markets in conjunction with connectivity strategies aimed at ensuring seamless, affordable air and sea services offering the highest in safety and carbon reduction standards within the long-established Brand Core Values of Heritage, Hospitality and Diversity. 

Brand Footprint
Strategy 8. To continue to strengthen the City dimension of Malta’s cosmopolitan offer through the further development of Brand Valletta to encompass the destination’s historic and contemporary urban offer.

Strategy 9. To increase the Destination’s brand footprint by subdividing the national territory comprising the major Islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino by identifying zones within the national territory, each possessing distinct competitive advantage and differentiation from the other zones. This cluster approach shall recognise a combination of product and emotional attributes pertaining to each respective zone which will be the guiding principles for product development and market positioning. Unravelling Destination Malta in this way widens its appeal to the different segments it shall be
seeking to attract and grow.

Environment, Climate Change & Tourism Product
Strategy 10. To give due recognition to the detrimental effects which unchecked climate change and global warming are bound to have on the country’s tourism appeal and to engage in a national and global effort aimed at achieving Climate Friendly Travel by 2050.

Strategy 11. To introduce a set of measurable climate and sustainability indicators to properly measure tourism impacts on the environment to ensure that future tourism development embraces sustainable parameters within the widest possible range of measurable variables.

Strategy 12. To build a strong case for the conservation and preservation of natural and man-made tangible and intangible heritage in recognition of their growing relevance and importance to the discerning tourists of today and tomorrow and to promote such heritage as an integral component of the Malta brand. To promote protected areas as models for sustainable tourism, enhancing responsible travel to natural areas which conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of local people.


Strategy 13. To secure European and National funds to push for tourism product development and improvement. To do this in liaison with other Ministries and Agencies whose remit and responsibility overlaps with tourism.

Strategy 14. To continually monitor international trends and developments in tourism and in sustainable development to ensure that the Maltese Islands remain at the forefront of innovative development and change. To do this by participating actively in international bodies and fora and taking active roles in groups and gatherings discussing the wider elements affecting tourism.

Tourism Accommodation
Strategy 15. Accommodation sector imbalances to be addressed through a more selective development policy focusing on a healthier balance of quality versus quantity, strict enforcement against unlicenced accommodation, policy guidelines for private rented accommodation, enforcement action against under-delivering licenced establishments and more stringent, quality-based licencing guidelines for new development which adds value to the Maltese tourism offer. Incorporating international best-practice on how private, peer-to-peer accommodation can operate, including limited timeframes during the year.

Quality Destination
Strategy 16. To place increased importance on the Quality dimension of the Maltese Tourism offer by addressing those elements which are offering inferior experiences which only serve to drag down overall destination ratings to the detriment of quality suppliers and investors. To do this through an extended range of Quality Labels further strengthened with a thorough and professional Enforcement setup.

Strategy 17. To make increasing use of the smart approaches being used by leading destinations for the better management of tourism flows to events and localities/locations in a way which reduces visitor impacts and enhance satisfaction.

Strategy 18. To strategically develop a Digitalisation roadmap, incorporating various sectors contributing to the local Tourism product, by empowering the Public, Private and Non-Profit organizations to invest and ensure that efficiency and market presence are maximized through the use of the latest available technologies.

Industry Human Resources
Strategy 19. To improve the sector’s attractiveness as an employer through enhanced continuous staff training opportunities and the improvement of its wage-attractiveness relative to competing sectors.

Conventions & Events
Strategy 20. To deliver National Convention and Events Facilities to enable Malta to engage in a more extensive, year-round, calendar of activities and events in all-weather facilities and for different delegate and audience sizes.

Governance & Implementation
Strategy 21. To institute Governance procedures to monitor/measure the results of this strategy and organize an annual national tourism conference bringing together all stakeholders with a view to reviewing results, discussing key issues and agreeing on way forward to ensure the Strategic Planning Process is integrated into macro and micro industry actions in a rolling manner.

Strategy 22. To follow up the finalisation, publication and implementation of this Strategy with detailed Marketing, Product Development (also encompassing Accommodation), Human Resource Development plans including segment- and source-market- specific stand-alone plans for the destination’s major tourism inflows. Gozo to feature a specific stand-alone plan.

Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Strategy 4
Strategy 5
Strategy 6
Strategy 7
Strategy 8
Strategy 9
Strategy 10
Strategy 11
Strategy 12
Strategy 13
Strategy 14
Strategy 15
Strategy 16
Strategy 17
Strategy 18
Strategy 19
Strategy 20
Strategy 21
Strategy 22

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